Tuesday, March 16, 2010

AGW Skeptics Keep Alarmists Sane!!!

This just in...

Shock: Green Guru Lovelock warms to skeptics! 'The skeptics have kept us sane...They have kept us from regarding climate science as a religion.'

To which I say, we have not!

The proof:

Gore Attaches Global Warming as Cause to Last Weekend's Storm in Northeast.

AGW causes a) droughts, b) floods, c) hot temperatures, d) cold temperatures, but, mainly, e) carbon credit millionaires! AGW is astrology, and Gore is the crystal-ball-gazer-in-chief, with millions of followers!

Gore is on his way to becoming an AGW Climate-Credits Billionaire. It's hard to see the forest when your livelihood depends on seeing only the trees -- an inconvenient truth!

However, the Ball Bounces has its own offset-credits scheme up its sleeve -- stay tuned!

No comments:

"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"