Monday, August 16, 2010

Quote of the Day: "I hope the days are past where we think alcoholism is something you choose"

Drunk driving safety poster. "Don't mix '...Image via Wikipedia
ABC News reports:
Bobby Stovall, 54, was driving his truck in Round Rock, Texas, in early July when he weaved through several lanes of traffic and hit another vehicle, injuring the driver. It was later determined that Stovall had a blood alcohol concentration of .32, four times the legal limit in Texas.
And while that DWI was certainly enough to get Stovall in trouble with the law, when the judge found out the defendant had eight prior DWI convictions across several different counties in Texas, he ordered up a life sentence for Stovall.
The "unchosen" argument to the rescue:

"I hope the days are past where we think alcoholism is something you choose" -- Lawrence Taylor.

If alcoholics are going to succeed in the misunderstood, mistreated minority game, they'll need a nifty handle for their new we-didn't-choose-to-be-this-way identity. "Happies", maybe. Then, they can lobby for toleration, acceptance and equality status.

All of us are disordered in one way or another; we all "fall short of the glory of God".  But, it is never a good idea to organize society and social ideals around disorder and sin.

That's all I'm sayin'.
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"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"