Wednesday, June 01, 2011

CUPW: Ideology Central

Coat of arms of Cuba.                                        Image via Wikipedia
CUPW spends members' union dues on issues such as:

child care, 
anti-North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 
anti-global capitalism, 
marijuana decriminalization, 
campaigns for women's equality and human rights.[8] 

CUPW has also 
protested the Vietnam War, 
supported the disarmament movement, 
opposed South Africa’s apartheid regime and 
opposed the bombing of Iraq, Yugoslavia and Afghanistan.[9]

source: Wikipedia.


Ticcing postie said...

As a CUPW member and as one who has had my union dues (Thanks Supreme Court of Canada!!) spent on this radical agenda for the past 32.5 years.. I totally agree with you!

Not just spending union dues to defend the thieves in our midst, but other illegal activities I won't go into here (it would be heresay).

The sooner parts of us are sold off, and the union loses a lot of its power, the better....

signed... a conscientious postal clerk who may be forced out on strike in two days... for goodness knows how long..... :(

Ticcing postie said...

As a CUPW member and as one who has had my union dues (Thanks Supreme Court of Canada!!) spent on this radical agenda for the past 32.5 years.. I totally agree with you!

Not just spending union dues to defend the thieves in our midst, but other illegal activities I won't go into here (it would be heresay).

The sooner parts of us are sold off, and the union loses a lot of its power, the better....

signed... a conscientious postal clerk who may be forced out on strike in two days... for goodness knows how long..... :(

"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"